63Managing Your Gmail ConversationsIn addition to managing your Gmail account, there areoptions for changing the status of one or more Gmailconversations in an account.1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Gmail.2. Touch the gray box to the left of one or moreconversations and then choose one of the followingoptions:• Archive : Archive the conversations. Archivedconversations are assigned to the All Mail folder.• Delete : Delete the conversations. Deleted conversationsare moved to the Trash folder.• Change labels : Relocate the conversations to the Inbox,Personal, Receipts, Travel, or Work folder and then touch OK.• Mark as Read / Mark as Unread : Mark theconversations as read or unread. Once a conversation ismarked as read, it has a gray background. Touch DONEto remove the check marks.Tip: To move a conversation to another folder, touch and dragit to the folder tab.3. Touch Menu for these options:• Add star / Remove star: Mark (or unmark) conversations witha yellow star. Starred conversations are listed in the Starredfolder. Touch DONE to remove check marks.• Mark important / Mark not important: Change theimportance indicator . Yellow indicates important.• Mute: New messages added to muted conversations bypassyour inbox so that the conversation stays archived in the AllMail folder.• Report spam: Report the conversations as spam, which areemails that violate the Gmail Program Policies and/or Terms ofUse.• Settings: Configure settings. For more information, refer to“Gmail Account Settings” on page 64.• Help: Learn about using Gmail.• Send feedback: Fill out a Google feedback form.