Multimedia 123Options While Selecting a SongThe following options are available for playing songs,albums, or playlist, finding more information about artists,finding more music, and deleting songs:1. From a Home screen, tap Apps➔ Play Music.2. Select an album or song.3. Tap the label area Options under an item.The following options display depending on the itemview:• Play: Plays the selected song, album, or playlist.• Add to playlist: Add the song to a new playlist or an existingplaylist.• Shop for artist: Launches Google to search for more songs bythe selected artist.• Delete: Delete the song.• Search: Search Internet, Music Player, Play Music, or YouTubefor an artist, album, or song.Playing Music1. From a Home screen, tap Apps➔ Play Music.2. Tap a song in your library to listen to it.– or –While viewing a list of songs, tap Options next to asong and select Play.– or –While viewing a list of albums, artists, playlists, orgenres, locate the label area Options under anitem and tap Play.The Now playing screen opens and the song youselected or the first song in the album or playlist startsto play. The tracks in the current list play in order untilyou reach the end of the list (unless you choose arepeat option). Otherwise, playback stops only if youstop it, even when you switch applications.