977. While navigating, touch: Play BooksUse the Play Books app to read eBooks from theInternet-based Google Play™ Books service. Google eBooksis a new way to discover, buy, and enjoy your favorite booksonline and offline.You can read books online or mark them for availabilityoffline, so you can read them when you have no Internetconnection (such as on an airplane). You can also use Booksas your starting point for browsing or searching for books online.1. From a Home screen, touch Apps➔ Play Books.The Google Play Books main screen displays.Note: You may be asked to create or sign on to your Googleaccount. For more information, refer to “Setting Up YourGmail Account” on page 64.ROUTE AND ALTERNATES: View informationabout the current route and alternate routes.Directions List: View directions in a step-by-steplist.SHOW MAP: Return to the map view after viewingROUTE AND ALTERNATES or the directions list.Layers: Choose map layers to display.Menu: To display these options:• Turn off voice/Turn on voice: Enable ordisable voice-guided prompts.• Exit navigation: Close Navigation anddiscard route information.• Search: Find a location.• Set destination: Choose or enter adestination.• Settings: Enable or disable screen dimmingand view Google’s Terms and conditions,Privacy policy, and Legal notices.• Help: Display Navigation help information.