177Battery UseSee how the battery is being used by device activities.1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Settings➔ Applications.2. Touch Battery use to view how the display, the Androidsystem, and Wi-Fi are affecting battery use.3. Touch Screen, Android System, or Wi-Fi to view details.Note: Other applications may be running that affect batteryuse.Unknown SourcesEnable or disable installation of non-Market applications.1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Settings➔ Applications.2. Touch Unknown sources and touch OK to allowinstallation of non-Market applications.Warning! Enabling this option causes your tablet and personaldata to be more vulnerable to attack by applicationsfrom unknown sources.DevelopmentSet options for application development.USB DebuggingWhen enabled, allows debugging when the device isattached to a PC by a USB cable.Note: This setting is used for development purposes.1. From a Home screen, touch Apps ➔ Settings➔ Applications ➔ Development.2. Touch USB debugging to enable or disable the setting.When enabled, a check mark appears in the check box.Stay AwakeWhen enabled, the screen does not go to sleep (lock) whileconnected to a PC with a USB cable. This can be useful whenusing some applications because the device disconnects aWi-Fi connection when the screen locks.Note: This setting is used for development purposes.