133 AccessibilitySettingsAccessibility services are specialfeatures that make using the deviceeasier for those with certain physicaldisabilities.Note: You can download additional accessibilityapplications from the Google Play store.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings.2. Tap Accessibility for options:Vision• Voice Assistant: Speak feedback aloud to helpblind and low-vision users.- Voice Assistant can collect all of the text youenter, except passwords, including personaldata and credit card numbers. It may alsolog your user interface interactions with thedevice.- You can turn on Voice Assistant from anyscreen by pressing the Home key quicklythree times (triple-press).• Voice Assistant help: Tap for help on usingVoice Assistant.• Dark screen: Keep the screen turned off at alltimes for privacy.• Rapid key input: Release your finger to enterselection instead of double tapping.• Speak passwords: Read the characters aloudas you enter your passwords.• Font size: Set the font size.• Magnification gestures: Use exaggeratedgestures such as triple-tapping, double pinching,and dragging two fingers across the screen.• Magnifier window: Magnify content shown onthe screen.• Grayscale: Change all colors to gray.Accessibility