For Assistance 318● Learn more about data services and other products like games, ringtones, screen savers, andmore.Sprint Support ServicesSprint 411 and Sprint Operator Services let you easily access information and calling assistance from aSprint phone.Sprint 411Sprint 411 gives you access to a variety of services and information, including residential, business, andgovernment listings; movie listings or show times; driving directions, restaurant reservations, and majorlocal event information. You can get up to three pieces of information per call, and the operator canautomatically connect your call at no additional charge.There is a per-call charge to use Sprint 411, and you will be billed for airtime.Sprint Operator ServicesSprint Operator Services provides assistance when you place collect calls or when you place calls billedto a local telephone calling card or third party.For more information or to see the latest in products and services, visit us online at Information©2015 Sprint. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Other marks are trademarks of theirrespective owners.©2015 Samsung. Samsung, Galaxy, and S Voice are trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Android, Chrome, Gmail, Google Maps, Play Music, Play Movies & TV, Drive, YouTube, Photos,Hangouts, Google Mobile Services, and Google Play are trademarks of Google, Inc.Other marks are property of their respective owners.Screen images are simulated.Appearance of device may vary.The actual available capacity of the internal memory is less than the specified capacity because theoperating system and default applications occupy part of the memory. The available capacity may changewhen you upgrade the device.This device and related software are not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions,or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.