iLegal Notices WIF_T810_EN_UM_TN_PF2_071116_FINALWARNING! This product contains chemicals known tothe State of California to cause cancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm. For more information,please call 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864).Intellectual PropertyAll Intellectual Property, as defined below,owned by or which is otherwise the property ofSamsung or its respective suppliers relating to theSAMSUNG mobile device, including but not limitedto, accessories, parts, or software relating thereto(the “mobile device”), is proprietary to Samsungand protected under federal laws, state laws, andinternational treaty provisions. Intellectual Propertyincludes, but is not limited to, inventions (patentableor unpatentable), patents, trade secrets, copyrights,software, computer programs, and relateddocumentation and other works of authorship. Youmay not infringe or otherwise violate the rightssecured by the Intellectual Property. Moreover,you agree that you will not (and will not attemptto) modify, prepare derivative works of, reverseengineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwiseattempt to create source code from the software.No title to or ownership in the Intellectual Propertyis transferred to you. All applicable rights of theIntellectual Property shall remain with SAMSUNGand its suppliers.Open Source SoftwareSome software components of this productincorporate source code covered under GNUGeneral Public License (GPL), GNU LesserGeneral Public License (LGPL), OpenSSLLicense, BSD License and other open sourcelicenses. To obtain the source code coveredunder the open source licenses, please NoticesDisclaimer of Warranties;Exclusion of LiabilityEXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EXPRESSWARRANTY CONTAINED ON THE WARRANTYPAGE ENCLOSED WITH THE PRODUCT, THEPURCHASER TAKES THE PRODUCT “AS IS”, ANDSAMSUNG MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER WITHRESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THEPRODUCT OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULARPURPOSE OR USE; THE DESIGN, CONDITION ORQUALITY OF THE PRODUCT; THE PERFORMANCEOF THE PRODUCT; THE WORKMANSHIP OF THEPRODUCT OR THE COMPONENTS CONTAINEDTHEREIN; OR COMPLIANCE OF THE PRODUCTWITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY LAW, RULE,SPECIFICATION OR CONTRACT PERTAININGTHERETO. NOTHING CONTAINED IN THEINSTRUCTION MANUAL SHALL BE CONSTRUEDTO CREATE AN EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTYOF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TOTHE PRODUCT. IN ADDITION, SAMSUNG SHALLNOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KINDRESULTING FROM THE PURCHASE OR USE OFTHE PRODUCT OR ARISING FROM THE BREACHOF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY, INCLUDINGINCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, OR LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITSOR BENEFITS.Modification of SoftwareSAMSUNG IS NOT LIABLE FOR PERFORMANCEISSUES OR INCOMPATIBILITIES CAUSED BYYOUR EDITING OF REGISTRY SETTINGS, ORYOUR MODIFICATION OF OPERATING SYSTEMSOFTWARE.USING CUSTOM OPERATING SYSTEM SOFTWAREMAY CAUSE YOUR DEVICE AND APPLICATIONSTO WORK IMPROPERLY. YOUR CARRIER MAYNOT PERMIT USERS TO DOWNLOAD CERTAINSOFTWARE, SUCH AS CUSTOM OS.