223Setting an Unlock PatternCreating a screen unlock pattern increases security on thephone. When you enable the User visible pattern field, youwill draw an unlock pattern on the screen whenever youwant to unlock the device’s touch screen.The feature is now paired with a backup PIN code that actsas a backup to the pattern lock. If you forget your pattern,you can regain access to the device by entering a PIN code.Note: Make sure the Require Pattern field is activated.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps ➔ Settings➔ Security.2. Tap Screen lock ➔ Pattern.3. Review the on-screen animation procedure for drawinga pattern and tap Next when you are ready to draw apattern.4. Draw your pattern by touching your first on-screenpoint. Then, without removing your finger from thescreen, drag your finger over adjacent points until thegray trace line overlaps each point and they arehighlighted with a green circle.5. When you have connected at least four dots in avertical, horizontal or diagonal direction, lift your fingerfrom the screen and tap Continue.6. Confirm the new pattern by redrawing it and thentapping Confirm. The Unlock pattern is set.7. Enter the backup PIN code and tap Continue.Reenter the PIN to reconfirm the previous entry and tapOK.