Troubleshooting12-10Samsung Electronics12-3-5 Communication error between indoor and outdoor after initial power input.NoAfter setting the indoor unit installation settingnumber switch correctly, re-perform thetracking by pressing the reset key K3 ofoutdoor unit PCBIf the indoor unit number installed is one, set theoutdoor unit switch forward to "0", "1"➞ "0" and "1" spell the connection of an indoor unit.NoYesYesYesPress the reset key K3 of outdoor unitPCB and check the display to check thenumber of indoor units answering to thetrackingAfter connecting again the communication lineconnecting from outdoor unit to indoor unit,check this communication is reverse or not,and if there is no fault, find the indoor unitpreventing communication through connectingindoor units each by each, and thenexchange the indoor unit PCB after line checkCheck the setting value ofindoor unit installation number settingswitch of outdoor PCB and actual indoor unitinstallation numbersTo measure the 2 lines of outdoor unit side byuse of scope after removing the communicationline connecting from outdoor unit to indoor unitIs equal indoor unit actualinstallation number and installationnumber setting switch?At this time, is the voltagebetween lines rectangular wave overDC±0.7V?When tracking, is there anyindoor answer from display part?If address is not faultexchange the indoor unit PCB aftercommunication line check.Multi typeAfter 2 minutes, check if PCB address settingof indoor unit displayed the communication erroramong indoor units is overlapped or not .(If the indoor unit address is overlapped, thecommunication error is occurred.)- In this case, the communication error isoccurred to over two indoor units set wrongOutdoor unit displayIndoor unit displayHow to determineReason of error(Tracking error)(Operation) (Timer) (Airflow) (Filter)Mismatching the communicating indoor unit and setting switch indoor numbers When outdoor trackingCommunication error between the indoor unit and outdoor unit, and installation number switchsetting miss