675 Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Caption Options”,then press the ENTER button.6 Select the option (Size, Style, Foreground Color,Background Color, Foreground Opacity, BackgroundOpacity, or Return to Default) you want using the ▲ or▼ button. Use the ▲ or ▼ button to select the menuyou want and press ENTER.Size: This option consists of Default, Small, Standard,and Large. The default is Standard.Style: This option consists of Default, Style0 ~ Style 7.You can change the font you want.The default is Style 0.Foreground Color: This option consists of Default,White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta,and Cyan. You can change the color of the letter.The default is White.Background Color: This option consists of Default,White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta,and Cyan. You can change the background color ofthe caption. The default is Black.Foreground Opacity: Variation of the transparencyof characters is available in four default setups(Transparent, Translucent, Solid, and Flashing).Once you have selected one of the four colors, theselected Foreground Opacity will be displayed insteadof the default value sent by the caption provider.When [Transparent] is selected, [Transparent] cannotbe selected in [Background Opacity]. [Flashing] is setto flash more than once per second (a flash every 0.3second is recommended).Background Opacity: This indicates the backgroundof a character, rather than that of the window.Variation of the transparency of characters is availablewith four default setups (Transparent, Translucent,Solid, and Flashing). Once you have selected oneof the four colors, the selected Background Opacitywill be displayed instead of the default value sent bythe caption provider. When [Transparent] is selected,[Transparent] cannot be selected in [ForegroundOpacity]. [Flashing] is set to flash more than onceper second (a flash every 0.3 second isrecommended).Return to Default: This option sets Service, Size, Style,Foreground, and Background to its default.Note• The availability of captions depends on the programbeing broadcast.Size : Default √Style : Default √Foreground Color : Default √Background Color : Default √Foreground Opacity : Default √Background Opacity : Default √Return to Default √Caption OptionsTVMove Enter ReturnSize : DefaultStyle : DefaultForeground Color : DefaultBackground Color : DefaultForeground Opacity : DefaultBackground Opacity : DefaultReturn to DefaultCaption OptionsTVMove Enter ReturnSize : DefaultStyle : DefaultForeground Color : DefaultBackground Color : DefaultForeground Opacity : DefaultBackground Opacity : DefaultReturn to DefaultCaption OptionsTVMove Enter ReturnSize : DefaultStyle : DefaultForeground Color : DefaultBackground Color : DefaultForeground Opacity : DefaultBackground Opacity : DefaultReturn to DefaultCaption OptionsTVMove Enter ReturnSize : DefaultStyle : DefaultForeground Color : DefaultBackground Color : DefaultForeground Opacity : DefaultBackground Opacity : DefaultReturn to DefaultCaption OptionsTVMove Enter ReturnDefaultStyle0Style1Style2Style3Style4Style5Style6Style7DefaultWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanDefaultTransparentTranslucentSolidFlashingDefaultSmallStandardLarge