Learn About Your Device 31$ (α± α α± 'α!To customize the Samsung keyboard:1. From a Home screen, tap > βSettings.2. Tap General management > ) α± α±α >Virtual keyboard > Samsung keyboard for options.β’ ) α± αα: Set the keyboard typeand choose which languages are available onthe keyboard. To switch between languages,slide the Space bar sideways.β’ Predictive text: Predictive text suggestswords that match your text entries, and canautomatically complete common words.Predictive text can learn your personal writingstyle from your contacts, messages, Gmail, and αα &α βββ α©αα±αof predicting your text entries.β’ Additional keyboard settings provide assistancewith capitalization, punctuation, and muchmore.& * α Instead of typing, enter text by speaking.Settings Delete textTo enable Google voice typing:1. Tap α±α on the Samsung keyboard.β’ You may need to touch and hold %α β αβ the Space bar) to find it.2. Speak your text.