TV ViewingBroadcastingAuto TuningAerial AirChannel ListGuideSchedule ManagerEdit ChannelEdit Favourites" The displayed image may differ depending on the model.Use this feature to view the programme guide and programme information more easily. However, thesefeatures are not available when viewing TV using a cable box or satellite receiver.Programme InfoSelect the Virtual Remote panel's or press the regular remote's INFO button while watching TV to viewinformation about the current programme.However, Programme Info is only available with digital channels. In order to use the Programme Info,you must first set the TV's clock. To set the clock, navigate to Time (System > Time > Clock). TheProgramme Info may vary depending on the type of incoming signal and may not be available at allfor certain programmes.Tap on the touchpad while the programme information screen is shown to start recording the currentprogramme. In addition, drag left/right on the touchpad to check out other programmes or tap on thetouchpad to set up a Schedule Viewing or Schedule Recording setting for the selected programme." Press and hold the { button while watching TV to view information about the current programme.Change the Broadcast SignalScreen Menu > Broadcasting > Aerial Try NowChoose an aerial to receive digital broadcast signals from.GuideScreen Menu > Broadcasting > Guide Try NowView each digital channel's programming schedule, including showtimes. Check the programmingschedules and even setup a Schedule Viewing or Schedule Recording. Press GUIDE to launch theguide.