English-6Connecting a Digital Audio SystemTV Rear Panel Optical Cable (Not supplied)Digital Audio System Connect an Optical Cable betweenthe “DIGITAL AUDIO OUT(OPTICAL)” jacks on the TV andthe Digital Audio Input jacks on theDigital Audio System.When a Digital Audio System isconnected to the “DIGITAL AUDIOOUT (OPTICAL)” jack: Decreasethe volume of the TV and adjustthe volume level with the system’svolume control.5.1CH audio is possible when the TVis connected to an external devicesupporting 5.1CH.Each Digital Audio System has adifferent back panel configuration.When the receiver (home theater) isset to On, you can hear sound outputfrom the TV’s Optical jack. When theTV is displaying a DTV(air) signal, theTV will send out 5.1 channel sound tothe Home theater receiver. When thesource is a digital component such asa DVD and is connected to the TV viaHDMI, only 2 channel sound will beheard from the Home Theater receiver.If you want to hear 5.1 channel audio,connect the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT(OPTICAL) jack on the DVD playeror Cable/Satellite Box directly to anAmplifier or Home Theater, not the TV.➣➣➣Connecting an Amplifier/DVD Home TheaterTV Rear Panel Audio Cable (Not supplied)Amplifier/DVD Home Theater Connect Audio Cables between theAUDIO OUT [R-AUDIO-L] jacks onthe TV and AUDIO IN [R-AUDIO-L]jacks on the Amplifier/DVD HomeTheater.When an audio amplifier is connectedto the “AUDIO OUT [R-AUDIO-L]”jack: Decrease the volume of the TVand adjust the volume level with theAmplifier’s volume control.Each Amplifier/DVD Home Theater hasa different back panel configuration.When connecting an Amplifier/DVDHome Theater, match the color of theconnection terminal to the cable.➣➣