Basic Printing12About TabUse the About tab to display the copyright notice and theversion number of the driver. If you have an Internet browser,you can connect to the Internet by clicking on the web site icon.See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for more informationabout accessing printer properties.Printer TabIf you access printer properties through the Printers folder,you can view the Printer tab. You can set the printerconfiguration.The following procedure is for Windows XP. For other WindowsOS, refer to the corresponding Windows User's Guide or onlinehelp.1 Click the Windows Start menu.2 Select Printers and Faxes.3 Select your printer driver icon.4 Right-click on the printer driver icon and selectProperties.5 Click the Printer tab and set the options.Using a Favorite SettingThe Favorites option, which is visible on each properties tab,allows you to save the current properties settings for futureuse.To save a Favorites item:1 Change the settings as needed on each tab.2 Enter a name for the item in the Favorites input box.3 Click Save.When you save Favorites, all current driver settings aresaved.To use a saved setting, select the item from the Favorites dropdown list. The printer is now set to print according to theFavorites setting you selected.To delete a Favorites item, select it from the list and clickDelete.You can also restore the printer driver’s default settings byselecting Printer Default from the list.Using HelpYour printer has a help screen that can be activated by clickingthe Help button in the printer properties window. These helpscreens give detailed information about the printer featuresprovided by the printer driver.You can also click from the upper right corner of the window,and then click on any setting.