Service ManualAdjustment and Troubleshooting4-64 Samsung Electronics4.2.6 The cause and solutions of bad environment of the software1) The printer is not working (1)Description: While Power turned on, the printer is not working in the printing mode.1. Run Self-Test Mode:Turn the power on while pressingthe test printing button for 2 or 3 secondsbefore printing works.Check the power of the printer and performthe Self-Test. If the test printing works, thatmeans no problems in the printer itself.If the test printing does not work, thatmeans bad functioning of the printer(not because of software).Replace the printer cable. If the problemsnot solved even after the cable replaced,check the amount of the remaining tone.(refer to Toner Cartridge Service 4-5)Check if the connection between PC and printerport is proper. If you use windows, check if theprinter driver in the controller is set up. If the printerdriver is properly set up, check in which programthe printing is not working. The best way to find outis to open the memo pad to check the function ofprinting. If it is not working in a certain program,adjust the setup the program requires. Sometimes,the printout is normal within the Windows basicprograms, but it's not working in a particularprogram. In such case, install the new driver again.If not working in the Windows basic program,Check the setup of the port of CMOS is on ECP.And check the address of IRQ 7 and 378If the scanner needs to be connected to theprinter, first the remove the scanner fromthe PC to see if the printer is properlyworking alone.2. Check if the PC and theprinter is properly connected andthe toner cartridge installed.3. Printing is nor working in the Windows.4. Check if the printer cable isdirectly connected to peripheral devices