Troubleshooting4-18 Samsung ElectronicsPaperstopped beforethe OPC?Check the LSU andif it has the defect.->Replace it.Paperstopped beforethe fuser?Severe skewwhen feeding?Adjust the paper guides to fit thepaper width.The force of springs pressing thedeveloper is weak.-> Check guide-DEVE.The papercame out throughbetween fuser anddeveloper?Too thinor sensitive paper tostatic electricity?Use the recommendedpaper.Check guide transferis grounded. Checkthe shutter preventsfeeding.Check the input pathto the fuser (such asmis-assembly).Theactuator ofpaper exit sensorworks OK?Check the actuator exists and itsoperation and around the engine board.-> Replace.Is the paperrolled around thepresseureroller?Remove the fuser, removethe paper and replace thepressure roller, if necessary.Feedsmultiple pages?Reduce the amountand retest.Check the rollerand ribs of fuserare in place, andremove burrs, ifany.-> Remove thefactors of jam.NO NO NONONO NONONOYES YES YESYESYES YESYESYES4-4-4 Paper Jam (Jam 1)Download Service Manual And Resetter Printer at