46 EnglishCooking SmartCooking SmartFresh vegetables• Use a suitable glass Pyrex containerwith a lid.• Cut ingredients into as small pieces aspossible to reduce the cooking time.• Add 30-45 ml of cold water to every250 g unless otherwise specified.• Stir once during cooking and once aftercooking, and then add seasoning to yourpreference.Food Serving Size (g) Power Time (min.)Broccoli 25050090 % 4½-57-8Prepare even sized florets. Arrange the stems to the centre. Standfor 3 minutes.Brussels Sprouts 250 90 % 6-6½Add 60-75 ml (4-5 tbsp) water. Stand for 3 minutes.Carrots 250 90 % 4½-5Cut carrots into even sized slices. Stand for 3 minutes.Cauliflower 25050090 % 5-5½7½-8½Prepare even sized florets. Cut big florets into halves. Arrangestems to the centre. Stand for 3 minutes.Courgettes 250 90 % 4-4½Cut courgettes into slices. Add 30 ml (2 tbsp) water or a knob ofbutter. Cook until just tender. Stand for 3 minutes.Egg plants 250 90 % 3½-4Cut egg plants into small slices and sprinkle with 1 tbsp lemonjuice. Stand for 3 minutes.Leeks 250 90 % 4-4½Cut leeks into thick slices. Stand for 3 minutes.Mushrooms 12525090 % 1½-22½-3Prepare small whole or sliced mushrooms. Do not add any water.Sprinkle with lemon juice. Spice with salt and pepper. Drainbefore serving. Stand for 3 minutes.MS40J5133AT_AP_DE68-04345A-00_EN.indd 46 2015-01-02 6:59:02