5-2 DiagnosticsThis section describes methods and procedures to isolate the cause of a malfunction in the machine. Thismachine displays diagnostic information on the LCD. In addition, it can perform a series of tests that allow themachine to observe individual machine functions.5-2-1 Error MessagesError Message Description Solution5-2 Samsung ElectronicsMaintenance & TroubleshootingDOCUMENT JAMDOOR OPENLINE ERRORLOAD DOCUMENTLSU ERRORThe loaded document has jammed inthe feeder.Clear the document jam.The top cover is not securely latched. Press down on the cover until itclicks in place.Your unit cannot connect with theremote machine, or has lost contactbecause of a problem on the phone line.Try again. If failure persists, wait anhour or so for the line to clear, thentry again.Or, turn the ECM mode on.You have attempted to set up asending operation with no documentloaded.Load a document and try again.There occurs a problem in the LSU(Laser Scanning Unit).Unplug the power code and plug itback in. If the problem still persists,please call for service.FUSER ERRORThere occurs a problem in the fuserunit.Unplug the power code and plug itback in. If the problem still persists,please call for service.MEMORY FULL The memory is full.Either delete unnecessary documents,or retransmit after more memorybecomes available, or split thetransmission into more than oneoperation.JAM/NO CARTRIDGE Recording paper has jammed inside theunit, or the tonercartridge is not installed.Clear the jam, or install thecartridgeNO ANSWER The remote machine has not answeredafter all the redial attempts.Try again. Make sure the remotemachine is operational.NO. NOTASSIGNEDThe one-touch or speed dial locationyou tried to use has no numberassigned to it.Dial the number manually with thekeypad, or assign a number.