5Telecommunications per DOC notice(for products fitted with an IC-compliant modem)The Industry Canada label identifies certifiedequipment. This certification means that theequipment meets certain telecommunicationsnetwork protective, operation, and safetyrequirements. The Department does notguarantee the equipment will operate to theusers’ satisfaction.Before installing this equipment, usersshould make sure that it is permissibleto be connected to the facilities of thelocal telecommunications company. Theequipment must also be installed usingan acceptable method of connection. Insome cases, the inside wiring associatedwith a single-line individual service may beextended by means of a certified connectorassembly. The customer should be awarethat compliance with the above conditionsmay not prevent degradation of service insome situations.Repairs to certified equipment shouldbe made by an authorized Canadianmaintenance facility designated bythe supplier. Any repairs or alterationsmade by the user to this equipment, orequipment malfunctions, may give thetelecommunications company cause torequest the user to disconnect the equipment.Users should make sure, for their ownprotection, that the electrical groundconnections of the power utility, telephonelines, and internal metallic water pipe system,if present, are connected together. Thisprecaution may be particularly important inrural areas.To avoid electrical shock orequipment malfunction do notattempt to make electrical groundconnections by yourself. Contactthe appropriate inspection authorityor an electrician, as appropriate.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)assigned to each terminal device providesan indication of the maximum number ofterminals allowed to be connected to atelephone interface. The termination on aninterface may consist of any combination ofdevices subject only to the requirement thatthe sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbersof all the devices does not exceed 5.Este equipamento opera em carátersecundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteçãocontra interferência prejudicial, mesmode estações do mesmo tipo, e não podecausar interferência a sistemas operando emcaráter primário.BrazilBremen_R539_Dos_eng.indb 35 2010-05-03 오후 4:49:14