ITP-5112L IP phone User Guide© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 37Button Submenu Function7. Select Brightness Sets the brightness of the LCD screen.Sound/Screen8. Screen Saver Sets the screen wait time(10/30/60 minutes/user define).Conference - Up to 5 persons(caller included) can havea conference and speak simultaneously inthe conference.Call Forward - Forwards an incoming call to anotherstation when the user is absent.(Disable,Always, Busy, No Answer, Busy/Noanswer, DND)1. My Name Enters the user’s name to the phone.The name registered here is displayed onthe LCD screen of the opponent’s phonewhen making an internal call.2. Language Sets a language between Korean andEnglish.3. Change Password Changes the four-digit password in orderto protect the user’s privacy when settingvarious functions of the phone.4. Locked Sets the lock status of the phone in orderthat other person may not use the phone.5. Private LifeProtectionLimits the use of telephone by otherperson.6. Phone Version Confirms the software version of thetelephone.My Phone7. Reset to Default Removes the data(phone number,message) set by user and set into theinitial status.1. Answering Mode Sets the answer mode.(Ring, AutoAnswer Mode, Voice Announce)2. Absent Msg. Sets the message to be displayed on theLCD screen when user is absent.Setting3. Internal Call Sets the mode displaying the AOM button.