OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 JANUARY 20092.9.8NETWORKING MESSAGE KEY WITH LED INDICATIONSThis feature permits station users to set a message wait indication to remote stations inthe network. When calling a remote station and receiving busy or no answer condition,the caller can press the MSG softkey in the display (or dial the MSG access code) andleave an indication that a message is waiting. The message key will flash red at theremote station receiving the message notification. The remote station can then pressthe message key to see which station left the message. The remote station user canthen press reply to return the call to the station that set the message.Notes:• Single line telephones will receive a distinctive message waiting dial tone.• A maximum of five messages can be sent to a network station MW key.• In order for this feature to work properly, the feature access code for messagewaiting must be the same for every node in the network.• This feature is supported over Q-sig and IP networking.MMC INFORMATION:• MMC 722 (assign MSG key)• MMC 724 (Feature access code, MSG=XX)NETWORK PAGINGThe feature allows station users to assign and page other page zones in other nodes inthe network. The main requirement for this feature to work is each node must beprogrammed to have a unique network page access code or a network page (NP) key.An example would be to program a Network page key as NP023. When a user pressesthis key, a internal zone page will be made to all member of zone 3 in node 02. Thestep for accessing a network page group is:Network paging using access code: Go offhook, dial XX+NN+Z= Paging across thenetworkORNetwork paging using NP key: Press the selected NP(NNZ) key = Paging across thenetwork.XX = (two digit network Page access code)NN = (two digit item entry assigned in MMC 820)Z = (One digit page access code, see chart below)Internal Zone Paging External Zones= All Internal Zones1 = Internal Zone2 = Internal Zone3 = Internal Zone4 = Internal Zone5 = External Zone6 = External Zone7 = External Zone8 = External Zone9 = All External Zones* = All Internal/External Zones