Phone CallsMaking a callThere are several ways to make a call. This section describes how to make a call fromthe following locations: The Home screen Your contact list The list of recently dialed phone numbers The Call History list An e-mail messageMaking a call from the Home screenOn the Home screen, you can call someone by entering a phone number or a contactname using the keypad. As you begin pressing keys, your Smartphone displays thenames of any contacts whose name or phone number match your entry. These couldbe contacts stored in your Call History or Speed Dial list, or on your Subscriber IdentifyModule (SIM) card. You can then select the name or number to call without having toenter the entire name or number.Make a call by entering a phone number1. On the Home screen, begin entering the phone number.2. Do one of the following: If you see the number or contact name to call, scroll to it and press theTalk key. If you do not see the number or contact name, finish entering the numberand press the Talk key.Make a call by entering a contact name1. On the Home screen, begin entering the contact name.2. When you see the contact name, scroll to it and press the Talk key.SPH-i325 Quick Reference.doc15/28