63Safety/Terms & Conditionsresponsible for all charges associated with any device activated onyour account, regardless of who used the device. You must pay allcharges by the due date on the invoice. Past due amounts accrue latecharges until paid at the rate of 5% per month or at the highest rate allowedby law and may result in immediate suspension of your account. If youagree to any auto-payment option through banking or credit account,we may initiate payment from the account for all amounts we invoiceyou without additional authorization or notice. Based on your creditor payment history, we may require certain forms of guaranteedpayment as a condition of maintaining Services. If we invoice you foramounts on behalf of a third-party, payments received are firstapplied to amounts due to us. You may be charged additional fees forcertain methods of payment and for payments denied by a financialinstitution. Acceptance of payments (even if marked "paid in full")does not waive our right to collect all amounts that you owe us.Disputed Charges. Disputes concerning any charges invoiced mustbe raised within 60 days of the date of the invoice. You accept allcharges not disputed in this time period. Disputes can only be madeby calling or writing us as directed on your invoice.Account Spending Limit & Deposits. We may impose an accountspending limit ("ASL") on any account without notice. We will notifyyou of an ASL based on your credit or payment history and mayreduce the ASL at any time with prior notice. An ASL should not berelied on to manage usage on your account. We may suspend anaccount without prior notice when the account balance reaches theASL, even if the account is not past due. Services can be restoredupon payment of an amount that brings the account balance belowthe ASL and any past due amounts. If we require a deposit for you toestablish or maintain an account, we will hold the deposit as partialguarantee of payment for Services. We may change the depositamount at any time with notice for good reason. Except as we allow,a deposit may not be used to pay any invoice or delay payment. Thedeposit amount, the length of time we hold the deposit and changesto the deposit amount are determined based on your credit andpayment history. The rate of interest, if any, on the deposit is subjectto change. We may mix deposits with our other funds. If youraccount is terminated for any reason, we may without notice apply