▶English▶❑ TroubleShootingIf the TV seems to have a problem, first review this list of problems and solutions. Ifnone of these troubleshooting tips apply, visit samsung.com, then click on Support, orcall Samsung customer service at 1-800-SAMSUNG.Issues Solutions and ExplanationsPicture Quality First, perform the Picture Test and to see if your TV is properly displayingthe test image.• Go to MENU - Support - Self Diagnosis - Picture TestIf the test image is properly displayed, the poor picture may be caused bythe source or signal.The TV image does not look asgood as it did in the store.Store displays are typically tuned to digital, HD (high definition) channels.• If you have an analog cable/set top box, upgrade to a digital set top box.Use HDMI or Component cables to deliver HD (high definition) picturequality.• Cable/Satellite subscribers: Try HD stations from the channel line up.• Antenna connection: Try HD stations after performing an Auto program.