4. Left Soft Key: Performs the function that isdisplayed on the lower left of the displayscreen.5. Messaging: Allows you to go straight to themessaging menu.6. Send Key: Allows you to place or receive calls.If you hold this key down, it will power on yourheadset and will initiate the most recent callfrom your Recent Call Log.7. Built in QWERTY Keypad: Allows you toenter numbers, letters and symbolsindividually.8. Function Key: Allows you to input numbersand symbols on the upper half of the keys.9. Microphone: This is where you talk into whenmaking a call.10. Caps Shift: Allows you to put in upper-casetext.11. CV: Press to launch Cellular Video12. Camera Key: Allows you to go straight to youcamera and video camera.13. Silent Key: Allows you to adjust betweennormal and silent mode.14. Power On/Off/Menu Key: Allows you to endcalls and exist existing programs. If you holdthe key down it will power your phone on andoff. When having a call you can press this keyto reject it.15. Clear Key: Allows you to delete characterswhen texting and also lets you deleteapplications.16. Right Soft Key: Performs the function that isdisplayed on the lower right of the displayscreen.6