7-24 ManualQ7 The picture is not displayed properly for some games.A Some games such as 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone', ‘Harry Potter andthe Chamber of Secrets', etc. may not display the picture properly when thescreen resolution is set to 1024x768 and the color quality is set to 32 bit.For these games, set the screen resolution to 1024x768, and the color quality to16 bit.Q8 Game play is not displayed smoothly on the screen.A For 3D games, the texture data for the 3D screen display is saved to the systemmemory. If there is insufficient system memory, the data is saved to the hard diskdrive and loaded to memory when required. This operation may temporarily stopdisplaying the picture on the screen.In this case, lower the game resolution or the screen settings. (For Delta Force:Black Hawk Down, Medal of Honor, Battle Field, 1942, etc.)