54_ completing the installation and commissioningcompleting the installation andcommissioningSETTING THE OPTION SWITCHES & FUNCTION KEYSOption switch of the outdoor unitSwitch Setting Function RemarksSW01/SW02Setting the total number of indoor unit installationSW01 : The tens digit, SW02 : The units digitSetting is available only with the main outdoor unit(sub unit :setting is unnecessary)Ex) When the 12 indoor units are installed : [SW01:1, SW02: 2]SW03 K5 ON Manual ADDRESS setting Factory defaultOFF Auto ADDRESS settingSW04K9 K10 Target evaporating temperature(°C)ON ON 7~9Cooling capacity adjustmentON OFF 5~7OFF ON 9~11OFF OFF 10~12K11 K12 Target high pressure (kg/cm2)ON ON No high pressure target value adjustmentHeating capacity adjustmentON OFF 31.5 kg/cm2OFF ON 25.0 kg/cm2OFF OFF 27.0 kg/cm2SW05K13 K14 Selecting the outdoor units addressON ON Outdoor unit’s address : No 1 Main unit, Factory defaultON OFF Outdoor unit’s address : No 2 Sub unit 1OFF ON Outdoor unit’s address : No 3 Sub unit 2OFF OFF Outdoor unit’s address : No 4 Sub unit 3K15 K16 Current limit functionON ON Use standard value of current limit Factory defaultON OFF Apply standard value of current limit x 90%OFF ON Apply standard value of current limit x 80%OFF OFF Non use of the standard value of current limitSW06K17ON Standard value (5 hours interval after turning on the outdoorunit, and then 7 hours interval.) Oil collecting intervalOFF 2 hours interval after turning on the outdoor unit and then 2hour interval.K18ON Defrosting temperature integer ( ) = MID,Not using the function to remove snowdrift on the top. Standard value of defrosting start timeOFF Defrosting temperature integer ( ) = LOW2,Using the function to remove snowdrift on the top. Reduce the defrosting start timeK19 ON Standard value -OFF Fan step compensation (Maximum step) Maximum fan step compensationK20 ON Standard value Select night’s quiet modeOFF Use night quiet modeSW07K21 ON Use anti-dew function mode (in cooling operation) Select anti-dew function modeOFF Non use anti-dew function mode (in cooling operation)K22 ON - -OFF -K23 ON - -OFF -K24 ON - -OFF -SW08 - Setting total number of MCU installationSetting is available only with the main outdoor unit (sub unit : setting isunnecessary)When the 12MCU are installed : [SW08:C]❈ Applicable to HR model only Factory default settingSW01/02, SW08 : 0SW03~07 : On