Setting Up _1301 setting uPReattaCHing tHe ReFRigeRatoR DooRs34DispenserDoor TubeCabinetTubeDispenserDoor TubeCabinetTubeRed Clip(1/4”)Red Clip(1/4”)CabinetTubeDispenserDoor TubeCabinetTubeRed Clip(1/4”)535. Position the Top Table( 2 ) in place.With a Philips head screwdriver, insert and tighten the 3screws into the Top Table. With the door opened, reinsert theTop Table cap( 1 ) and close the doors.When reattaching the top table, make sure that thewires are not pressed or damaged by the top table.214. Connect the water line ( 5 ) and then insert aclip on the coupler with pulling tube.Connect the one connector( 4 ) on left sidedoor and two connectors ( 3 ) at each sideof the top cap.The clip is enveloped inside of the top cap.The water line ( 5 ) must be fully inserted to the marked line to preventwater leakage from the dispenser.CAUTIONcouplerDA68-01812G.indb 13 2009.8.10 9:7:58 AM