Operating _902 OpERATINGcHEcKING THE cONTROlpANEl1 POWERON/OFFPress this button to turn on or offthe power.2 Temp.AlarmIf the temperature inside thefreezer cabinet is warmer thannormal, this lamp will be lit.3 Led LampThere are five temperaturesettings, represented by fiveindicator lights.When all lights are on, thetemperature is at its coldest.4 PowerCoolThe unit will be activated for 150minutes in the Power cool mode.5 TEMPYou can set the desiredtemperature of the fridge fromCold(5°C) to Colder(1°C).Initially, the mid-point temperaturesetting is selected.When starting the unit at first, the unit will beactivated for 150 minutes in the power coolmode.If you need to freeze large amount of food stuff,turn on the Power Cool mode.• To get more space in the refrigerator, you canremove drawers.• For freezing test, remove 1 , 2 drawers.• To get the best energy efficiency of this product,please leave all selves, drawers on their originalposition like illustration above.122 41 53DA99-03418A(SAM Built In).indd 9 2010.12.22 2:38:31 PM