safety information _7Ř7KLVSURGXFWLVLQWHQGHGRQO\IRUWKHVWRUDJHRIIRRGLQDGRPHVWLFHQYLURQPHQWŘBottles should be stored tightly together so that they do not fall out.Ř,IDJDVOHDNLVGHWHFWHGDYRLGDQ\QDNHGƃDPHVRUSRWHQWLDOVRXUFHVRILJQLWLRQand air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.ŘUse only the LED Lamps provided by manufacturer or service agents.ŘChildren should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with and/or climbinto the appliance.ŘDo not disassemble or repair the refrigerator by yourself. malfunction, please contact your service agents.Ř,IWKHDSSOLDQFHJHQHUDWHVDVWUDQJHQRLVHDEXUQLQJRUVPHOORUVPRNHunplug the power plug immediately and contact your nearest service center.- Failing to do so may result in electric or fire hazards. Keep ventilation openingin the appliance enclosure or mounting structure clear of obstruction.Ř,IDQ\GXVWRUZDWHULVLQUHIULJHUDWRUSXOORXWSRZHUSOXJDQGFRQWDFW\RXUSamsung Electronics service center.- There is a risk of fire.ŘReplacing the LED Lamp:KHQWKHLQWHULRURUH[WHULRU/('ODPSKDVJRQHRXWSOHDVHFRQWDFW\RXUservice agents.ŘDo not install this appliance in a humid, oily or dusty location, in a locationexposed to direct sunlight and water (rain drops).ŘDo not install this appliance in a location where gas may leak.- This may result in electric shock or fire.ŘPlug the power plug into the wall socket in the right direction so that the cordUXQVWRZDUGVWKHƃRRU ,I\RXSOXJWKHSRZHUSOXJLQWRWKHVRFNHWLQWKHRSSRVLWHGLUHFWLRQWKHelectric wires within the cable may be damaged and this may result in electricshock or fire.Ř,QVWDOO\RXUDSSOLDQFHRQDOHYHODQGKDUGƃRRUWKDWFDQVXSSRUWLWVZHLJKW- Failing to do so may result in abnormal vibrations, noise, or problems with theproduct.CAUTION SIGNS FOR USINGŘ,IWKHUHIULJHUDWRULVGLVFRQQHFWHGIURPWKHSRZHUVXSSO\\RXVKRXOGZDLWIRUDWleast five minutes before plugging it back in.Ř,I\RXZLOOEHDZD\IRUPRUHWKDQWKUHHZHHNVRUWKHUHIULJHUDWRUZLOOQRWEHXVHGfor a long period of time, you must empty and clean the refrigerator and pull outWKHSRZHUSOXJ:LSHH[FHVVPRLVWXUHIURPWKHLQVLGHDQGOHDYHWKHGRRUVRSHQ- Otherwise, odor and mold may develop.- Deterioration in the insulation may cause fire.CAUTION,)!!)@-7QVLJ ""!85