06_ setting upsetting up your side-by-side refrigeratorGETTING READY TO INSTALL ThEREFRIGERATORCongratulations on the purchase of your SamsungSide-By-Side Refrigerator. We hope you will enjoy themany state-of-the-art features and efficiencies that thisnew appliance has to offer.Selecting the best location for the refrigerator• Select a location with easy access to a water supply.• Select a location without direct exposure to sunlight.• Select a location with level (or nearly level) flooring.• Select a location with enough space for therefrigerator doors to open easily. See the diagrambelow.• Select a location that allows sufficient space to theright,left, back, and top for air circulation. See thediagram below.• Select a location that allows you to move therefrigerator easily if it needs maintenance or service.When moving your refrigeratorTo prevent floor damage, be sure the front levellinglegs are in the up position (above the floor). Refer to‘Levelling the refrigerator’ in this manual (page 8).To protect the finish of your flooring while you areinstalling the refrigerator, place a large section of thecardboard carton under the refrigerator where you areworking.When installing, servicing or cleaning behindthe refrigerator, be sure to pull the unit straightout and push back straight in after finishing.SETTING uP ThE REFRIGERATORNow that you have your new Refrigerator installed inplace, you are ready to set up and enjoy the featuresand functions of the appliance. By completing thefollowing steps, your Refrigerator should be fullyoperational. If not, first check the power supply andelectricity source or try the troubleshooting section atthe back of this user’s guide. If you have any furtherquestions, contact your Samsung Electronics servicecenter.1. Place the Refrigerator in an appropriate locationwith reasonable clearance between the wall andthe Refrigerator. Refer to installation instructions inthis manual.2. Once the Refrigerator is plugged in, make sure theinterior light comes on when you open the doors.3. Set the Temperature control to the coldesttemperature and wait for an hour. The Freezer willget slightly chilled and the motor will run smoothly.4. After powering the Refrigerator, it will take a fewhours to reach the appropriate temperature. Youcan store food and drinks in the Refrigerator afterthe temperature is sufficiently cool.2 �(50mm)2 �(50mm)46 ½˝ (1181mm)38 ⅜˝ (974mm)40˝ (1016mm)51 ½˝ (1308mm)68˝ (1727mm)at least ¼” (6mm) at least ¼” (6mm)LegScrew DrivercAuTION