10_ safety informationWhen this product containsfl ammable gas (RefrigerantR600a), contact your localauthority in regard to safedisposal of this product.Cyclopentane is used as ainsulation blowing gas. Thegases in insulation materialrequire special disposalprocedure. Please contactyour local authorities inregard to the environmentallysafe disposal of this product.Ensure that none of thepipes on the back of theappliances are damagedprior to disposal. The pipesshall be broke in the openspace.• If the appliance contains iso-butane refrigerant (R600a),a natural gas with highenvironmental compatibilitythat is, however, alsocombustible. Whentransporting and installingthe appliance, care shouldbe taken to ensure that noparts of the refrigeratingcircuit are damaged.• When disposing ofthis product or otherrefrigerators, remove thedoor/door seals, door latchso that small children oranimals cannot becometrapped inside. Leave theshelves in place so thatchildren may not easily climbinside. Children should besupervised to ensure thatthey do not play with the oldappliance.• Please dispose of thepackaging materialfor this product in anenvironmentally friendlymanner.ADDITIONAL TIPSFOR PROPERUSAGE• In the event of a powerfailure, call the local offi ceof your Electricity Companyand ask how long it is goingto last.- Most power failures that arecorrected within an houror two will not affect yourrefrigerator temperatures.However, you shouldminimize the number of dooropenings while the power isoff.- Should the power failure last