6SAFETY WARNINGSRead all instructions before repairing the product and keep to the instructionsin order to prevent danger or property damage.CAUTION/WARNING SYMBOLS DISPLAYED SYMBOLSIndicates that adanger of deathor serious injuryexists.Indicates that a riskof personal injuryor material damageexists.means “Prohibition”.means “Do not disassemble”.means “No contact”.means ”The things tobe followed”.means “Earth to prevent Electricshock”.means “Power cord should beunplugged from the consent”Pull the power plug out toexchange the interior lampof the refrigerator.It may cause electric shock.WarningWarning & CautionCautionEarthUnplugUse the rated componentson the replacement.Check the correct model, ratedvoltage, rated current, operatingtemperature and so on.On repair, make sure that thewires such as harness arebundled tightly.Bundle tightly wires in order not to bedetached by the external force and then notto be wetted.Check if there is any traceindicating the permeationof water.If there is that kind of trace, changethe related components or do thenecessary treatmentsuch as tapingusing theinsulating tape.After repair, check theassembled state of components.It must be in the same assembled statewhen compared with the state beforedisassembly.On repair, remove completely dustor other things of housing parts,harness parts, and check parts.Cleaning may prevent the possible fire bytracking or short.Ratedcomponents