20:KHQWKH5HIULJHUDWRU)UHH]HULVQRWRSHUDWLQJRUWKHIRRGGRHVQRWIUHH]HVXIILFLHQWO\- Is the plug properly connected?- Is the power fuse blown?- Are the temperature controls setproperly(not set to "COLD")?- Is the appliance exposed to directsunlight or installed near a heater?- Does the appliance have enoughclearance from the wall in alldirections?:KHQIRRGIUHH]HVLQWKHUHIULJHUDWRU- Are the temperature controlsset properly(not set to"COLDER")?- If the food is juicy or verymoist, is the temperaturecontrol set too" COLDER "?- Is the ambient temperaturetoo low?:KHQWKHUHLVQRLVHIURPWKHXQLW- Is the refrigerator installed on aflat, stable surface?- Is the appliance positioned tooclose to a wall?- Are there any objects behind orunder the refrigerator?- Is the sound coming from thecompressor?:KHQWKHUHDURUVLGHSDQHORIWKHUHIULJHUDWRULVKRW- Is a radiation(air ventilator/cooler)pipe installed?- Is the ambient temperature high?- Has dew formed on the outsideof the appliance because of highhumidity?:KHQ\RXKHDUDVRXQGOLNHZDWHUIORZLQJ- This sound is generated by movement of therefrigerant and is not a malfunction.:KHQ\RXQRWLFHDIRXORGRULQVLGHWKHDSSOLDQFH- Do you have spoiled food in the refrigerator?- Is all food stored in sealed containers?- Has fluid collected in the bottom of thevegetable bin?- Are the freezer evaporation slots clogged?- Has the evaporation tray at the back of theappliance become foul?:KHQIURVWGHYHORSVLQVLGHWKHIUHH]HU- Does the door seal tightly?- Are the evaporation slots clogged?- Is there enough room for efficient aircirculation?:KHQGHZGHYHORSVRQWKHYHJHWDEOHFRPSDUWPHQW- Does the door seal tightly?- Have you left the door open for a long time?- Is liquid stored without a cover?%()25(&$//,1*6(59,&(