setting up _0901 SETTING UPASSEMblE THE FREEZERdRAWERTo reattach the freezer drawer, assemble parts inreverse order.AdJUSTING THE dOORSNow that the doors are back on the Refrigerator, youwant to make sure the Refrigerator is level so thatyou can make final adjustments. If the Refrigeratoris not level, it will not be possible to get the doorsperfectly even.Insert a flat-blade screwdriver (-) into a notch on theleft control lever, and turn it count clockwise to levelthe refrigerator. (You turn the lever clockwise to lowerthe refrigerator and counterclockwise to raise it.)Both control levers must be touching the floorto avoid possible personal injury or propertydamage because of tipping.If the right side is lower, perform the sameprocedure, but with the right control lever.MAKING MINOR AdJUSTMENTSbETWEEN dOORSRemember a level Refrigerator is necessary forgetting the doors perfectly even. If you needhelp, review the previous section on leveling theRefrigerator.ASSEMblE THE FlEx dOORTo reattach the flex door,assemble parts in reverseorder.dISASSEMblE THE FREEZERdRAWER1. Push the upper drawer in completely.2. Remove the tilting pocket ( 1 ) by pulling on bothbrackets ( 2 ) upward at the same time.3. Take out the lower basket ( 3 ) by lifting thebasket up from rail system.4. Remove four 10mm hex-head bolts from bothsides.5. Lift the freezer door up from the rails.123flat-bladescrewdriver(-)ControlleverCAUTION