using tHE DigitaL DisPLay“88” segment on Freezer part indicates the current Freezer temperature.“8” segment on Fridge part indicates the current Fridge temperature.Power FreezeThis icon will light up when you activate the “Power freeze” feature. “Power freeze” is great fortimes when you need a lot of ice. Press the Power freeze button and ice production will increase.When you have enough, just press the button again to cancel the “Power freeze” mode.When you use this function the energy consumption of the refrigerator will increase.Remember to turn it off when you don’t need it and return the freezer to your originaltemperature setting.This function must be activated before putting large amount of food stuff in the freezercompartment at least 24 hours before.1Coolselect Turbo"Fresh(3°C)", "Soft Freeze(-5°C)" and "Frozen Vegetable(-12°C)" indicates thestatus of the Coolselect Turbo.1. When "Frozen Vegetable(-12°C)" selected on the CoolselectTurbo, regardless of the overall temperature setting of therefrigerator. This feature helps keep frozen vegetable fresh forlonger.2. When "Soft Freeze(-5°C)" selected on the Coolselect Turbo,regardless of the overall temperature setting of the refrigerator.this feature helps keep meat and fish fresh for longer.3. When "Fresh(3°C)" selected on the Coolselect Turbo,regardless of the overall temperature setting of the refrigerator.this feature helps keep vegetable and fruit fresh for longer.202 oPErating<tyPE 1> <tyPE 2>123operating _11