02 OPERATINGoperating _19FridgePress the Fridge button to set the desired temperature from therange between 1°C and 7°C.Default set temperature is set on 3°C and each time you pressthe Fridge button, temperature will change in following orderand temperature indicator will display the desired temperature.When the temperature setting is done, temperature indicatorwill display the current temperature of the refrigerator. If currenttemperature is higher than 9°C, temperature indicator will bedisplayed as 9°C.Power CoolPress the Power Cool button to activate the Power Coolfunction. Power Cool indicator will light up and the refrigeratorwill speed up the time to needed to cool products in therefrigerator.Power Cool function will operate for 2 hours and 30 minutesto quickly cool the refrigerator.To deactivate the Power Cool function, press the Power Coolbutton again.Power Cool function cannot be used together with Vacationfunction. Selecting Vacation function will automaticallydeactivate the Power Cool function.AlarmPress the Alarm button to activate the Alarm function.Alarm indicator will light up and the refrigerator will alert you withalarm sound if the refrigerator door is kept open for longer than2 minutes.To deactivate the Alarm function, press the Alarm button again.VacationPress the Vacation button to activate the Vacation function.Vacation indicator will light up and the refrigerator will set thetemperature to 15°C to minimize the power consumptionwhile you are away (on vacation or business trip etc). Keep therefrigerator free from bacteria and odor.• Vacation function will be automatically deactivated If you selectPower Cool function or adjust temperature while Vacationfunction is on.• Make sure to remove foods before using Vacation function.