Settings99• Ringtones and keypad tones:– Ringtones: Select a ringtone to alert you to incoming calls.– Vibrations: Add or select a vibration pattern.– Vibrate when ringing: Set the device to vibrate and play a ringtone for incoming calls.– Keypad tones: Set the device to sound when tapping the buttons on the keypad.• Personalise call sound:– In-call sound EQ: Select a type of call sound to use with a headset.– Adapt Sound: Personalise the sound for the ear you use most during calls or whilelistening to music.• Increase volume in pocket: Set the device to raise the ringtone volume when the deviceis in an enclosed, such as a bag or pocket.• Video call image: Select an image to be shown to the other party.• Use call fail options: Choose to try a voice call when a video call fails to connect.• Voicemail:– Voicemail service: Select or set your voicemail service provider.– Voicemail settings: Enter the number to access the voicemail service. Obtain thisnumber from the service provider.– Sound: Select a ringtone to alert you to new voicemails.– Vibrate: Set the device to vibrate when voicemails are received.• Accounts: Set the device to accept IP calls and set up your accounts for IP call services.• Use Internet calling: Set whether to use IP call services for all calls or only for IP calls.Blocking modeSelect which notifications will be blocked or set to allow notifications for calls from specifiedcontacts in blocking mode.