SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without noticeFlow Chart of Troubleshooting10-29This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorizationCheck the AttenuationCircuit ?10-2-5. EGSM900 TXCheck the Power @Pin#55 of U200?CHECKU200 and C212Check the Power @Pin#8of PAM100?TCXO CLOCK CHECK?19.2MHz @ C225CHECK R104, R107,R108PAM100re-solder or changeTCX200, C225re-solder or changeRFS100change or re-solderNOYESNONOYESYESYESCheck RFS100?YESNOAntennare-solder or changeNOTX Power is too Low!!Band :GSMCELL POWER : -50dBmTx Power : 5LevelChannel : 62ch