10 _READYMemory card slotInformation / Up buttonFlash /Left buttonSelf-timer /Right buttonMacro / Down buttonPlay & Pause buttonBottom / 5-function buttonBattery chamber coverBattery chamberMENU / OK buttonTripod socketIdentification of featuresSelf-timer lampIcon Status Description✢ Blinking- For the first 7 seconds, the lamp blinks at 1 secondintervals.- For the final 3 seconds, the lamp blinks quickly at0.25-second intervals.✡ Blinking For the 2 seconds, the lamp blinks quickly at 0.25-sec-ond intervals.✣ Blinking A picture will be taken after about 10 seconds and 2seconds later a second picture will be taken. Blinking After pressing the Shutter button, the image is taken inaccordance with the subject’s movement.Camera Status LampStatus DescriptionPower on The lamp turns on and off when the camera isready to take a pictureAfter taking a picture The lamp blinks while saving the image data andturns off when the camera is ready to take a pictureWhen the USB cable isinserted to a PCThe lamp lights up(LCD monitor turns off after initializing the device)Transmitting Data with aPC The lamp blinks (LCD monitor turns off)When the USB cable isinserted to a printer The lamp is offWhen the printer is printing The lamp blinksWhen the AF activatesThe lamp turns on(The camera focus on the subject)The lamp blinks(The camera doesn’t focus on the subject)