maintain tools and filter _903 MAINTAIN TOOlS AND FIlTERmaintain tools and filterMAINTAIN FlOOR TOOlSELBOW ExTENDING TUBE (OPTION)1. Connect the elbow extending tube to connecting part for hose knob and telescopic pipe.2. Fit the telescopic pipe to the lower part of the elbow extending tube.3. Press the PUSH button.4. With the PUSH button pressed, the elbow extending tube is folded.5. Using the elbow extending tube allows hard to reach areas (e.g. under furniture)to becleaned without having to kneel down.1 2 3 4 52-Step Brush (Option)• Adjust the inlet lever according to the floor surface.• Remove waste matter completely if the inlet is blocked.Carpet Cleaning Floor Cleaning3 Way Brush (Option)• Adjust the inlet lever according to the floor surface.• Remove waste matter completely if the inlet is blocked.Carpet Cleaning Floor Cleaning• Vacuum dust in wide area at once.• Remove waste matter completely ifthe inlet is blocked.Parquet Master Brush (Option)