English _1EnglishSHUTTERYou can select a fixed fast electronic shutterspeed in 7 options ranging from 1/120 to 1/10k,which is mostly used to take a picture of a fastmoving object.As long as SENSE UP is set to AUTO, FIXED /FLICKERLESS to ON / BACKLIGHT to WDR, theSHUTTER menu is not available.SENS-UPAutomatically senses the darkness level at night or in a low contrast scene, andextends the accumulation time accordingly; you can select <AUTO> or <FIx> for abright and sharp image.If the SHUTTER menu is set to fixed electronic shutter mode, the SENSE UP menuwill not be available.If FLICKERLESS is set to ON, or BACKLIGHT to WDR, the FIX mode of the SENSE UPmenu is not available.FLICKERLESSThis will prevent possible screen distortion due to a mismatch between the verticalsync frequency and the blinking frequency of the lighting; if set to <ON>, the shutterspeed will be fixed to 1/120 second.If SHUTTER is set to FIX, SENSE UP to FIX, and AGC to FIX, the <FLICKERLESS> menu isnot available.xDRThis will correct a brightness difference between different scenes for the optimalvisibility by calculating the ambient luminance contrast in a certain unit of pixels.The higher the value is, the higher the correction level is.M CAMERA SET CAMERA ID OFFVPS OFFIRIS ALCAGC (VERY HIGH) ---DNR MIDSHUTTER 1/120SENS-UP (OFF) ---FLICKERLESS (OFF) ---XDR MIDEU ENGLISH.indd 21 2009-9-10 13:53:50