Test Procedure5-2 Samsung Electronics5-3 Test Procedure5-3-1 Change to Test Mode1. To change the phone from Normal Mode to testMode, You should enter the following keys." 4 7 * 8 6 9 # 1 2 3 5 "2. The command° ∞0 1"(Suspend) is entered to starttest.3. To finish the Test Mode, You should enter thecommand "0 2".5-3-2 Channel Selection and Tx PowerOutput level Control1. You should change the phone from NormalMode to Test mode2. The command° ∞0 1"(Suspend) is entered to starttest.3. You should enter the following keys." 0 9, 0 5 2 5, #, 0 7, 3 4, 7 1, 4 7 5, #"¶UIf you enter the command "0 9", You can selectthe channelex) 0 9 X X X X (means channel number)¶UThe command "0 7°±means Carrier On (CarrierOff :° ∞0 8°±)¶UIf you enter the command "3 4", You canspread the carrier.¶UIf you enter the command "7 1", You cancontrol the power output level. Followingunder-bar means AGC code. And you cancontrol the power output level using VolumeUp/Down Keys.ex) 7 1 X X X4. After enter the command "7 4" and control theTx Power Output Level to be 0.0dBm usingVolume Up/Down keys, press "STO" key tostore Data in EEPROM.