5VQTKPIRJQPGPWODGTUCPFPCOGUTo store phone numbers and names:1. Press to display the Main menu.2. Press for Phone Book.3. Press for Add New Entry.4. The screen prompts for the phone number. (You canenter up to 32 digits.) Press the digit keys to enter thephone number. The number displays from left to right.5. Press to enter a hard or two second pause or pressfor the next prompt.6. Select a Label for your new entry, your choices are:Press HomePress WorkPress MobilePress PagerPress FaxPress No LabelThe phone prompts for a name.7. Press to select and createa new Internal Phone Book entry.8. Enter the name at the screen prompt using the keypadand press (The text entry mode default is Alpha,initial capitals).9. To accept the displayed location, press or to selectanother available location press the navigation keys toscroll to the desired location and press . PreviousNext |