11YYoouurr PPhhoonnee10YYoouurr PPhhoonneeKeys Functions~Makes or answers a call.In Standby mode, recalls the last numberdialed.Deletes characters from the display.In the menu facility, returns to the previousmenu level.In Standby mode, displays the digital clockwhile pressed and held.Ends a call. Also switches the phone on andoff when pressed and held.In the menu facility, cancels your input andreturns to Standby mode.Enters numbers, letters and some specialcharacters.Use these keys for various purpose indifferent functions.(on the side of the phone)In Standby mode, adjust the key volume.During a call, adjust the earpiece volume.In the menu facility, scrolls through themenu options.DisplayThe display comprises two areas: an upper line oficons, and the lower text and graphic area. Thefollowing icons display at power-on:Icons Text and graphic areaSignal strength : Shows the receivedsignal strength. The greater the number ofbars, the better the signal strength.Service: Appears when a call is inprogress.No service indicator: Appears whenyou are outside a service area. When itappears, you cannot make or receivecalls. Wait a little while for a signal ormove into an open area.Alarm: Indicates that you have set analarm.