55MMeessssaaggeess541. Enter the Send-To phone number using the numerickeys and press .2. Enter the message contents, or a numeric page. Forfurther details on how to enter text, see page 36.Note: A total of 180 characters, including e-mailaddress character length if send-to destination is ane-mail address, can be entered for each message, canbe entered for each message.3. When entering is finished, press .4. If you wish to edit the following available optionsbefore transmitting the message, press .Send To: Edit the send-to phone number.Message: Edit the message contents already entered.Callback #: Edits the callback number. Enter the newnumber to replace the current number.Delivery ACK: edits the Delivery Acknowledgement.You can toggle between YES or NO by pressing thenavigation key .Priority: edits the priority level of the message. Youcan toggle between NORMAL or URGENT bypressing the navigation key .Note: Callback, Delivery ACK, and Priority are alreadypreset to default values in the Settings menu .MessageYour phone can receive voicemail notification, text messages,and pages. Also, your phone can send text messages andpages if you system supplier provides this service.When the phone receives a message, an alert sounds, atext notification displays and the name and phonenumber of the caller if available. The New Messageicon remains on the screen until you read the new text,numeric page or Web Browser message, or until youlisten to the new voicemail messages.Incoming messages are received even when your phoneis in Lock mode. However, the screen will not displayinformation about the message. To access a message, orto return a call other than an emergency or prioritynumber, unlock the phone to proceed.If you are on a conversation, and you receive anincoming message, your phone automatically mutes theringer (this is to avoid ringing in your ear while you aretrying to converse).New Messages Menu 3-1You can create short text messages, and numeric pages,to send to other mobile numbers.Note: Transmitting message is only supported in digitalnetworks, and if service is provided by your serviceprovider.