11GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd10GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd YYoouurr PPhhoonneeDisplayLayoutThe display comprises two areas; an upper line of fixedicons, and the lower text and graphic area. Thefollowing icons display at power-on:IconsText andgraphic areaSignal strength : Shows the receivedsignal strength. The greater the number ofbars, the better the signal strength.IconsService: Appears when a call is inprogress.No service indicator: Appears when youare outside a service area. When itappears, you cannot make or receive calls.YYoouurr PPhhoonneeEnters numbers, letters and some specialcharacters.In the text input mode, changes the case.Also, use this key for special star callingfeature.In Standby mode, toggles the silent mode onand off when pressed and held.In the text input mode, inserts a space.Also, it is used at various times when youdial especially when using tele-services.Key Functions (continued...)~Roaming: Appears When you are out ofyour home area and have registered with adifferent network (when travelling in othercountries, for example).