Understanding Your Contacts 41Finding a Contacts EntryVoice MethodUse the VoiceSignal Contacts command to view contact information for any namedcontact stored in your Contacts list by saying the name.Note: The Contacts command shows the requested contact information in the display but does notdial any phone numbers for the contact.To look up information for a specific contact:1. In standby mode, press and hold .“Say a Command” appears in the display and is pronounced through thespeaker.2. Say “Lookup”.VoiceSignal prompts you to “Say the name.”3. Speak clearly and say the full name of the person you want to call, exactly asit is entered in your contact list.4. Say “Yes” to confirm the name or “No” to hear the next name, or use thekeypad to select the correct name from the list.5. The contact information for the name you selected appears in the display.