Health and Safety Information 165or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders, and anyother area where you would normally be advised to turn offyour vehicle engine.When your Device is WetDo not turn on your device if it is wet. If your device isalready on, turn it off and remove the battery immediately (ifthe device will not turn off or you cannot remove the battery,leave it as-is). Then, dry the device with a towel and take itto a service center.Restricting Children's Access to YourWireless Mobile DeviceYour wireless mobile device is not a toy. Do not allowchildren to play with it because they could hurt themselvesand others or damage the wireless mobile device.Keep the wireless mobile device and all its parts andaccessories out of the reach of small children.FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)Regulations for Wireless DevicesThe U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hasestablished requirements for digital wireless mobile devicesto be compatible with hearing aids and other assistivehearing devices.When individuals employing some assistive hearing devices(hearing aids and cochlear implants) use wireless mobiledevices, they may detect a buzzing, humming, or whiningnoise. Some hearing devices are more immune than othersto this interference noise, and mo bile devices also vary in theamount of interference they generate.The wireless telephone industry has developed a ratingsystem for wireless mobile devices to assist hearing deviceusers find mobile devices that may be compatible with theirhearing devices. Not all mobile devices have been rated.Mobile devices that are rated have the rating on their box ora label located on the box.The ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary dependingon the user's hearing device and hearing loss. If your hearingdevice happens to be vulnerable to interference, you may notbe able to use a rated mobile device successfully. Trying outthe mobile device with your hear ing device is the best way toevaluate it for your personal needs.M-Ratings: Wireless mobile devices rated M3 or M4 meetFCC requirements and are likely to generate less interferenceto hearing devices than mobile devices that are not labeled.