46Using ABC Mode1. If desired, rotate your phone to a Landscapeorientation.2. When you touch a text entry field, such as the Entermessage field for a new text message, the followingkeyboard image displays:3. Touch the desired letter or number keys.4. Touch to input another upper-case letter or touchtwice to switch to ABC mode. The shift key willchange to in ABC mode. Additional letters will beuppercase until you touch the Shift key again.Using Symbol/Numeric ModeUse Symbol/Numeric Mode to add numbers, symbols, oremoticons.1. If desired, rotate your phone to a Landscapeorientation.2. Touch . The following keyboard displays:3. Touch the desired number, symbol, or emoticoncharacters.4. To access additional symbols, touch .5. To return to Abc mode, touch .Note: The screen initially opens in Abc mode.After typing the first letter, the Shift key ( )will change to and additional letters willbe lower case.1/2ABC